Monday, May 12, 2008

Come fly with me... let's fly..... let's fly away~

I didn't sleep last night...didn't feel like sleeping but before that i was a lil tired after coming home from meeting a friend for yumcha. Yeah...he is the only friend i knew who was still at Sg.Long yesterday. All of my friends already went back home earlier. Johnson...thanks a lot!~ :)

I was surfing the net & uploading some pictures that i haven't blog about yesterday. So i wanted to finish it & i continued till the break of dawn. I felt hungry so i went down to buy breakfast instead of whipping up something. The house supplies are empty since there's no need to replenish them as i will be going home soon. At 9.30am my cousin called & said he will come & pick me up at 11.30am. I quickly finish up my brekkie & pack up my final stuff.

Goshhh! i have to return the book i borrowed from the university's library. It's already due for a few days. But i doubt i can finish pack my stuff, take my bath & walk to uni to return it in time before cousin arrives. So i just quickly get things done. Indeed i can't make it in time & my cousin sent me to uni to return it. Haha...the library's server was down so the librarian asked me to write down my ID number & some details. I guess i escaped the fine. Teehee...

So off i went & hopped back into the car to our next destination... Subang. We went there to have lunch & what's for lunch? The infamous Bak Kut Teh in Subang! Man..........i was thinking of that as a probability for lunch & my instincts were really correct! Next time i wanna try the infamous rojak! Yummy~

We met up with my cousin's godfather who is a pastor. He was also once a bowler. Wooo...then the owner of the Bak Kut Teh shop is also own by an ex-national bowler! I didn't know that. Then i realised cousin has many updates about the current national bowlers from their conversations. Hmm...he does keep in touch with the bowling players i see. After lunch we headed to Sunway Pyramid. Walk around & then we headed to Pyramid Mega Lanes coz cousin wants to go there & check it out. I saw Wendy Chai the current national bowler. But meeting all these famous people in the country is nothing to me. I met before a couple of celebs such as Christopher Lee, Jaclyn Victor, Deanna Yusoff, Lee Chong Wei, Paul Moss & etc. I always bump into celebs when i go shopping but as if im gonna ask for an autograph. Hahaha...

After hanging around in the mall we drove back home...JB. Yeap! I'm in JB now. When i came home my bro was sleeping. So i also fell asleep then woke up at 11 to have dinner. After dinner i actually spent time STUDYING with that rascal. Tomorrow he will be having Sejarah paper for the Setara exams. What is Setara in English? Trial? I forgot. Goshhh! I felt a lil weird reading Bahasa again especially because it is Sejarah. I still can remember em now. Hahaha...Wth?!

I'm planning my day for tomorrow when i wake up later. Haven't tell anyone im back but i don't have as many friends to inform now than last time coz most went overseas or you girls are in KL. My girlfriends are gonna have their finals soon so once again.....Work Hard babes! :)

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