Tuesday, May 20, 2008
It's time to migrate!
My handphone has been OOA (out of action...haha) for a few days already. MAN! I thought it was bcoz i haven't pay my bill last month. So i had to use my mum's phone to call 123 to "yo~yo! check it out". It turns out that Maxis has some network connection problem & my line was affected. Damn lucky. Maybe i should buy my handphone number for lottery to strike. Seems like i gotta wait for my SIM to be reactivate. Now it is Invalid SIM. My phone is like totally retarded now. Only for me to take pictures wherever i go. Can't even receive messages what's more a call? Maxis damn greedy & damn money minded...At 1st i call my number it says the number is out of coverage. Later my sister call it says please call again later in a short while. Smarties...so they can charge you while you listen what's going on. Haha... I just hope i get my line back asap coz it feels empty with a malfunctioning phone.
Then around 7+ there was a blackout! Wth?! Perling always one lorrr. My brother is having an exam tomorrow so i told him "Chill...I bring you to McD!" Weeee~ I love McD coz it really makes me happy whenever i go there. (Pearlyn! again k?) I don't like fast food but i go there just to chill. So i brought my bro there & studied for some time. Later on when the current was back, mum called & we headed back home.
I wish rain will fall again like a waterfall. God! Cry all you want! I have many cars at home to drive out & umbrellas to shield me. Lol... I feel like going out tomorrow! Wanna make use of my precious time left in JB & spend my time with my dear friends. I guess i will watch Drillbit Taylor tomorrow!~ Weeee~ Till then...Adios People! :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad!
Mum plan to bring me to see my sister's new house so after lunch we went out & headed to her new house first. My sister had went there to do spring cleaning. It is still quite empty...just the ceiling fans & chandeliors fixed. I felt like go shopping one day to buy nice accessories for her house. I once wished to study interior design but in the end i opted for business. I was wondering if i stayed on the course, i might be able to give her some pointers about the way to design her house with the professional way...taking into consideration the space, angle & all the knowledge about interior design. Wow! But i will definitely design my own house when i buy a house one day. I wish to make it like an English cottage so cosy with Victorian interior touch. Double Wow!
After that we headed to Jusco just to buy dad's birthday cake. The cake was nice! We bought a blueberry cake. Though its a simple one but i didn't expect it to taste sooo nice. A good thing does not need to be flaunt lavishly... A professional need not to be fabulous looking.
By the time we reached home mum have to cook dinner. I requested for "yam & fish" coz i failed in my attempt to cook it myself up in KL. It was ok just not enough soup. Haha...i always call my mum to ask her for recipes & techniques to cook the dish i want for the day. Anything dunno just call. Helpline. Hahaha~ Watching her cook i mastered the skill! Wahaha...im gonna make my 2nd attempt a successful one. :)
I hid the cake deep in the fridge so i think my dad dunno about it. Sure dunno la. After dinner for a while my sister took out the cake. Man.....so fast weih. Coz she was gonna meet up with her friend. We celebrated on 19th at night coz everyone is at home! All 6 of us! Weeee~ Eldest sis was back just after dinner! Great! 2nd sis is going back to KL today. So we celebrated on the 19th. After lighting all the candles at the kitchen we brought the cake in front to the hall where dad was sitting there steadily reading the papers. We started singing "Happy Birthday" & the cake reached to him. Dad asked " what date is today? "
My dad is a very cool man. Unlike other dad my dad is a very simple, thrifty, honest & a man with few words. All these years... the way my dad brought me up is something i finally got to understand why when i became more mature. If my dad is not harsh in reminding us about the way of life...i doubt i would be the way i am now. There is something so deep about my feelings of my childhood & memories of me & my dad that i can't articulate it well here. The heart can express it best. Dad....Dad~ I Love My Dad! I am very grateful for your hardwork of bringing me up & for educating me with all your great effort & never ending words of wisdom.
I love my dad very very much! :D
It was a great & happy family gathering at home so i took the opportunity to take lotsa pictures with my family. My dad is always so cool when he takes pictures. Haha...My brother look better when he don't smile with his teeth showing. Haha... I guess the Lee clan says no to smiling for the males. Im glad i did a celebration for my dear dad this time. I always want to grow up fast & carve my own niche very quickly for only a reason that is to show my hearfelt gratitude to my parents. There are so many great things im waiting to do for them. As time pass...i shall work my way up & achieve my life goals. Patience papa & mama... i will & definitely will be a success one day!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Back to the good old days
I hanged out with Juivy, Melanie & Yvonne! Yep! It's always great to meet up with my dear friends. We were supposed to go and have the famous Bak Kut Teh in town but none of us have the car for the day so we took a cab down to City Square instead. Well...i'll wait for Juivy to be back & we'll go there with her parents. Man.........Juivy & i have been friends for a decade & still going on & her family treat me like one of their own whenever i pay a visit to her house. I feel like im home too when im at her house coz i know the stuffs in her house well enough. Haha...It's always nice to chat & catch up with her parents coz they are so full of life.
We reached City Square & we walked around. I felt kinda weird there. Dunno... the mall gives me a 'pasar' kinda feeling instead of a mall. While walking... we witnessed some fugly ugly act by some lala school boys...(nono...now im in jb so its "ah bengs") MAN!................wazzup with them man? I heard em shouting Cibaiiiiii & 1 looked kinda furious. All those drama mama was so childish. I was quite baffled by the crowd doing some kinda "tiao sui" there. Hahaha...I LAUGH! I think the most horrid thing was those people were really like pa lia people la. If im the Head of MOE in JB i will revamp the education system & bring in new changes to educate the young to be gentlemen & ladylike people. Ok! Forget about the whole scenario.
Later on Yvonne came & all of us gather for lunch. I always yearn to eat Robinson's Portugese Chicken whenever im back coz i don't see that in KL. I bought the eggtart before Yvonne came & shortly after i finished it Yvonne came already. =.= Alrighty...we headed there again to eat! Juivy kept grumbling she wants chicken she wants chicken. Eveyone ordered the 1/2 chicken but i ordered the chicken wings. While eating we suddenly racked up about our old school days. I felt there was so much jolly great times though im not so high profile in school compared to Yvonne & Juivy. MAN I TELL Uuuu! The best part is that my best friend Juivy... is the head discipline prefect! How cool was that? She is very strict in her job but she also protected us when a spot check is going to be conducted. I seldom bring my handphone to school so she will keep the rest of our gang's hanphone with her. But i don't have to worry about all these coz im a very very smart student. Ahahaha~
One of the best memories i had with the "head discipline prefect" was on a pleasant day we had breakfast together. The night before...Juivy called me & said...
Juivy: "Hey...let's go to school lateeeee tomorrow" (she sounded very relax & serious)
Me : "Why?"
Juivy: "Go have breakfast at McDonald's man!"
Me : "Jeez...Awesome! WoOhOo~"
I was so surprised Juivy said that & i was so excited for the breakfast. I think i've influenced her a bit coz before that i went to eat McD brekkie alone. Haha...You guys know what? I think im the most bad student in terms of the morning rule in school starting from form 5. I was damn steady. When i missed the school bus (snoozed my clock for more than 5 times) i would then take a public bus to school. Man.....you know... public bus is damn snail one lor. Plus the jam in Taman Perling itself will take a freakin half an hour to get out. Shyt! But now life is so much better. Haha... So whenever the bus reached the seaside at the Straits View Restaurant (i remember that particular spot so well)...i confirm 100% with you ah that bloody place sureee jam like snail...no! jam like sloth!!
The traffic congestion from my garden area & then later on in town is just like a daily routine for me since i started schooling. But my school bus wouldn't take the seaside route so that's why the public bus got stucked. So by the time i reached school...it would be around 9.15am. Then i will walk the path up feeling so delighted after i finally reached. Wth?! Hahaha...Duh~ if you wanna be late u gotta be real late. Then when i entered the class my classmates will always greet me with a very welcoming "Jia Liiiiii!" Yep...they're used to my own schooling timetable. Lol...But im not a bad student kay. I worked diligently in class but also chilled hard with my friends. Haha...
We also talked about so many other stuff we did in secondary & i couldn't really remember some of them that vividly anymore until Juivy & Yvonne reminded me. We laughed & laughed & laughed like there's no ending to our happy stories. Laughing about our past is really something that will keep our bond strengthen. I really like & miss the great times i went through during my secondary days coz they're spent with many great friends that im still keeping close friendship with till now. Im just too grateful & exuberant to explain the happiness of my friendship with them. You girls know who you all are yeah.. :)
After lunch we walked around & i knew there will surely be something that i will like in the "innercity" section of the mall. I always have new things before i leave for KL again. Indeed...i spotted a nice dress so i bought it. Then recalling back i need to buy a white pumps so i went to Summit to check it out & the pumps i set my eyes on was still there & was at a lower price! I pondered about it then ka ching! It goes into my shopping bag! Hurray! :)
I had a great day with everyone. As long as its a hang out with my friends no matter which friends from which group of friends that will definitely make my day a splendid one. I'm loking forward to more catch ups with more friends to fill my time here. Till then...more updates & pictures soon! :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I felt so happy for a person, then hapiness of friendship, then exhilaration in a friendship
Then i offered her my service of dolling her up today. She liked the idea but gave some thoughts about the timing that would be spent if she were to let me or her stylist do it. After much thought she asked me to faster take all of my make-up stuff & do the job. I don't have my make-up eyeshadow brush so i had to use my fingers & my finger nails are quite long so i purposely cut them to make my job easier. My sister has super suuuuper fair skin like dolphin skin so i did a light make-up. She gets paranoid too if i were to make her into a clown.
After 1/2 hour the make over is done & im so glad i did a good job. Haha... Sister said she liked it too! This is the 1st time i did a full make-up for someone coz i don't dare to apply eye-liner & mascara for someone. But my sister was lucky i got skills one okehhh! I only helped my girlfriends to make-up for our girls night out but that wasn't much of a hassle to me.
So we headed to the ROM & i met my future brother-in-law's close friends there. Whoaa i tell uuu...his member member damn kaw lat many one lor. The boy's side wedding dinner will be inviting a lot of people so the tables booked was triple of the girl's side. When everyone is present, the ceremony started. The Registrar is a cranky old man. First, he started of with his history & a bit...nono....a lot about himself. Mannnnnnnnnn! He is such a nag! He totally reminds me of my Quantitative Techniques (QT) tutor. I forgot what's his name but my friends think he looks like Chua Soi Lek! LMAO! Okok back to the registrar. So he blah blah blah then slowly started to link his crap with the ceremony procedure. I was like wth-ing all the way coz he is indeed a farnee 77 year old ah pek. But anyway...he really enlightened the atmosphere a lot. My sister's fiance's friends were laughing all the way making lotsa jokes & it made the day so merry! They are all bunch of jokers! :) Most of them have already registered & 1 couple are already married but all of them still looked very young & energetic at heart. Haha...
After 1 hour...the whole ceremony was done. My sister & her long time dearest is officially registered for marriage. Many thoughts ran through my head during the whole thing. Then at evening i met up with Juivy! Yeah yeah...usually she'll be one of the 1st i meet so she called me immediatedly when she knew i was in JB & straight came to pick me up to lepak. Haha... That's a great welcoming me back custom that she always do. As usual lepak at her house 1st (whoaa...also like a custom to visit her house first) then hang around checking out some stuff & then we went for dinner at a place call Fruit Bar.
The area around the place i stay is indeed developing more & more coz the flyovers & high ways are already fully completed & THERE IS NO MORE CONGESTION IN TAMAN PERLING! How cool is that? My whole life living here since i was born is used to budaya jamming here & stucking there. Wth?! Mannnnnnn! I tell u...Perling is infamous for their www.stuckedinonedamnspotforhalfanhourjam.com.my. But after all these cows & dogs years... we Perling people are FREE TO FLY! Wth?!
There are more places to chill out now & the farneeist cafe is called "Activo Cafe"???!!! Man.........it sounds like some men's deodorant or something. But its very crowded like Kim Gary. Many more plans to be carried out soon & the one i think most people will be keen on is the large new Jusco. I am looking forward to see JB a more & more prosperous place to live at but definitely the social environment have to be upgraded as well.
While chilling out...Juivy told me about her discovery of the magnificient "sport" button in her dad's Audi. We experimented with the car's speed with the sport function & we went racing in all areas we could think of that would be empty enough for us to fly. Sad sad...we can't fly too fast coz there were still quite many vehicles around. We knew 1 great spot but if only we went there around 2am that would be darn great. Well...we have been so excited about sporting around whenever the idea struck our minds. Haha...Juivy & i are always up to all sorts of goody woody ideas. Weeee~ :D
Alright...that's all on my splendid day. It's always great to be back catching up with my girlfriends! :) (pics up soon coz i forgotten to bring back my usb card reader)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My hand started to hurt at some hour while sleeping then it got worse. I applied the cream the 1st time & went back to sleep. Then tak boleh tahan lah i woke up again to apply the 2nd time. It relieved the pain a lil. Then the final woke up & the final application of the analgesic cream was so much of a help to make the strain a whole lot milder. Whoa...the cream is not bad. But it felt not so smooth compare to other types that i have used before.
I did not paint the ramnent parts yesterday that is still undone coz i know if i did i might need to get my right hand amputated. Haha... It feels much lighter now so i guess it will be alright tomorrow. I gotta work out for the whole free time i have now after all the pain & work is done. I use to jog at the park in Taman Sutera & do lotsa exercise before i started uni. I wish i can regain back my form 3 fit & solid body. Sighhh...
Alright... gotta go for now. Clueless what i wanna do tomorrow. I have a few choice but i will decide my day tomorrow. Adios~ :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Let's get the body moving
There is some construction going on in my house as we have to refurbish the house for the coming big day in October. There are some areas of the exterior part of the house that is not painted yet. The wall at my garden is so plain coz my new neighbour just renovated their house so the wall is only a cement wall. I had nothing to do at home so i decided to get those unfinish work done. I started to paint the garden wall around 4pm.
First i have to paint a layer of protective coat which i forgot what is it called. Then only i paint the color of the wall. I painted 2 coats of the color so i wondered how many strokes i did for all 3 garden walls. Up...Down...Left...Right...(repeat) Man........my right hand is sorta like tofu while eating dinner. Luckily i didn't have steak for dinner if not i think i have to ask my bro to cut them into small bits for me. Haha... My hand muscles are exerted a lil but its not as bad as those days training for volleyball. I can feel my arms are toning up while painting the whole evening. Yeah~ If i do this for the whole 3 weeks break im going to look quite different by the end of the day. Lol... It's great the weather was good when i painted & i don't have to worry about getting tan & being barbequed under the sweltering heat. :)
I'ma paint my windows in my toilet & also those in the master room & a lil part of the wall at the backyard. Everything will be done by tomorrow...hopefully. I wanted to go jogging at the park around my house but i will save that after all the painting is done since painting is also a great exercise...perhaps even better. Man.....i rate washing the toilet as the most tiring household chores that will drain out your energy. Painting is still ok.
My hands.....i feel the muscle pull now. Haha... It's still alright. I don't have the feeling until im on the verge to chop it off. I will give it a rest now. Shall continue again. I wanna read the blog Teenage Lolita now. It's a refreshing blog that makes me wanna ask the blogger so many why, what, how, when, who. I really wonder why she chose to lead a life the way it is now. I'm sure u guys also read her blog so you guys can enlighten me more about it coz i just started to read it. Adios people! :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Come fly with me... let's fly..... let's fly away~
I was surfing the net & uploading some pictures that i haven't blog about yesterday. So i wanted to finish it & i continued till the break of dawn. I felt hungry so i went down to buy breakfast instead of whipping up something. The house supplies are empty since there's no need to replenish them as i will be going home soon. At 9.30am my cousin called & said he will come & pick me up at 11.30am. I quickly finish up my brekkie & pack up my final stuff.
Goshhh! i have to return the book i borrowed from the university's library. It's already due for a few days. But i doubt i can finish pack my stuff, take my bath & walk to uni to return it in time before cousin arrives. So i just quickly get things done. Indeed i can't make it in time & my cousin sent me to uni to return it. Haha...the library's server was down so the librarian asked me to write down my ID number & some details. I guess i escaped the fine. Teehee...
So off i went & hopped back into the car to our next destination... Subang. We went there to have lunch & what's for lunch? The infamous Bak Kut Teh in Subang! Man..........i was thinking of that as a probability for lunch & my instincts were really correct! Next time i wanna try the infamous rojak! Yummy~
We met up with my cousin's godfather who is a pastor. He was also once a bowler. Wooo...then the owner of the Bak Kut Teh shop is also own by an ex-national bowler! I didn't know that. Then i realised cousin has many updates about the current national bowlers from their conversations. Hmm...he does keep in touch with the bowling players i see. After lunch we headed to Sunway Pyramid. Walk around & then we headed to Pyramid Mega Lanes coz cousin wants to go there & check it out. I saw Wendy Chai the current national bowler. But meeting all these famous people in the country is nothing to me. I met before a couple of celebs such as Christopher Lee, Jaclyn Victor, Deanna Yusoff, Lee Chong Wei, Paul Moss & etc. I always bump into celebs when i go shopping but as if im gonna ask for an autograph. Hahaha...
After hanging around in the mall we drove back home...JB. Yeap! I'm in JB now. When i came home my bro was sleeping. So i also fell asleep then woke up at 11 to have dinner. After dinner i actually spent time STUDYING with that rascal. Tomorrow he will be having Sejarah paper for the Setara exams. What is Setara in English? Trial? I forgot. Goshhh! I felt a lil weird reading Bahasa again especially because it is Sejarah. I still can remember em now. Hahaha...Wth?!
I'm planning my day for tomorrow when i wake up later. Haven't tell anyone im back but i don't have as many friends to inform now than last time coz most went overseas or you girls are in KL. My girlfriends are gonna have their finals soon so once again.....Work Hard babes! :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Yesterday's life was what i wished for
Central Market...a place where you can find souvenirs, antiques, traditional costumes, handmade arts & craft & many more
The interior of Central Market... All types of local souvenirs, handmade handicraft & batiks

After time had passed for quite some time i went to have a walk around Central Market. I only visit here when i drop by aunt's shop so it's good to see what has change. This area is called Straits Chinese if im not wrong. It was extended to make this section & it is not bad. Malaysia...Truly Asia.
Aunt will close her shop at 8.30pm. I was damn bad. I knew i was in KL town so i told aunt i wanna go to Petaling Street which was situated nearby Central Market. Since i seldom come to this area i might as well make use of this opportunity to go around here. By the way...my sister was already there when i wanted to leave. Aunt says ok & off i went. Fewwww~ :)
Petaling Street is opposite the road & a few blocks away. I went there alone so i had the freedom to walk myself. Can you imagine how could some people bring their kids along some sitting in their prams! My mum never bring me to crowded places when i was very young
Malaysia Chinatown...Petaling Street aka "Chi Cheong Kai". Yep...that's the name of Petaling Street in Cantonese. I remember i came here with Hui Zhi & Chow Yvonne where 3 of us was still clueless about KL & my cantonese ain't that good yet. I grew up hearing Canto so i brushed up my Canto now that im here most of the time. People there are kinda spontaneous & extra friendly. I like to come here when im feeling down coz some "lala zais" (ah bengs) are kinda farnee when they speak out to attract customers.
I headed back to the shop at 8.45pm. LOL! Aunt called like trice. Haha...She is paranoid too so im used to it. Hehe... When we closed the shop...Aunt, my sister & i went back to my grandparent's house which is nearby aunt's place. I'm glad i can pay them a visit too before i go back JB & i wanted to visit them after my finals too. :)
Before that grandparent's were at a restaurant in Jln Ipoh having Mother's Day dinner with 2nd Uncle & my cousins. When 3 of us reached my grandparent's house they were already back home. My aunt is good at making my grandma laugh. She kept laughing & laughing & laughing whenever my aunt speaks. Im happy to hear her laughter.
After chatting for some time i thought of taking pictures with my gramps. I asked sister to take for me & later all of us should take together. I told grandpa & he was like "take picture?" Then he stood up & guess where he went?
He went to comb his hair! AHAHAHAHA! FARNEE! :D
We laughed & later took pictures. Many of them. Since we have chun chun phones might as well utilise it well.
Waaa...grandpa looked so yeng with that pose. Haha... Then later aunty said something about how will she look if she wear specs. Better or not?
Then Grandpa randomly go & take his specs & wore it. I dunno why. Haha...
my Aunty, my Grandma, my Grandpa & Me
My Grandparents... i feel they still looked the same from my memory of them since i was a kid
My Grandma is always a cheerful grandma. Aiyaaa...my aunt has a photo of her grinning widely but i forgot to get it from her. I guess my laughing machine skills are inherited from her?
Ahhhh! This is my aunt!
This is my cousin's wife, Jenny. Very bubbly & kind hearted person
My "piu kor"(older cousin brother). I grew up spending lotsa my childhood with him & he is a great cousin. Since young i knew what is Liverpool because he is an ardent fan of them... he plays great bowling till now. He scored his 1st perfect 300 points game few years back & i watched it. I think the highest level he played was the Sea Games level.
So after all the laughter & fun...we went for supper at Ampang nearby my grandparent's house. I wish to be familiar with Ampang more but i only come here when my parents are up coz it's easier to see the surroundings travelling by car. Now i only know how to take LRT to my grandparent's house but i hope to master the directions around the area one fine day. I feel the authentic feeling of KL whenever im in Ampang. I guess because there are many Chinese living there & i think that locals from Ampang have the most fluent & nice accent of Cantonese.
Good Morning everyone! Hahaha! It's time for me to stop now. Till then...i will update again! :)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Where i belong. . . . .
I've been hearing birds chirpping quite frequently these days. Ahahaha...you know what i mean.
I'm hearing it now too.
Man......i miss the moments studying at my bunch of friends house till dawn & we shared many laughters & had lotsa conversation together. Their house is like my 2nd alma mater where it's a good learning environment for me to discuss & help each other together. I will miss their house coz they are shifting this sem break. :( and and also studying with my roomate...especially on the day for our last paper. Awwww~
Yeap...my Finals are over. Ended on the 6th & it was good...This sem is a rushing one coz of the CNY holidays that cramped up all the mid terms...but studying for finals was less stressful than sem 1 maybe bcoz i didn't procrastinate to get the ball rolling. Yeah! I did it! Usually my "must start studying now d!" wouldn't start as early as 3 weeks. When i was doing the Seventeen mag event i brought my notes so.....yeah.....i started quite a lot there while working. LOL.....
Oh yeah! When every sem break ends my housies & i will have dinner together as our closing for the sem. Haha...We went to Bangsar's Delicious for dinner & later headed to 1u for movieeee.



Tony Starks is a macho man! I like the coolest technologies that fulfills his life...especially when his paperwork can be transformed into virtually reality which he can really touch & manipulate them
The movie is great! Haha...Now i know what is Iron Man really about. I give it a rating of.....5/5 stars! :)
Man........this is the 1st time i felt i am not looking forward to something specific for my sem break. Usually i'll be busy with my own plans & get so excited. Yeah yeah im going on a trip but now i felt like i don't know what i should do at the moment. I guess i will go back home soon. Wow...1st time Miss Lee Jia Li is heading back home early! Usually i'll be damn bad last week of sem break only go back. Ahaha...
Sunday is Mother's Day so i thought...Hmmm...i don't mind forgoing working time to go home & spend time with my family & make my mummy happy. I have lotsaaaaaaa catching up to do with my friends back there. Yeahhh...this reminds me of that! I should really go home soon. :)
I gotta go home check out my brother see how's he doing man. Have to nicely preach him if he's lazing at home coz he's having SPM this year. Im sure my bro miss me too! Always disturbs me when im back & interrogates me like my answers worth a million dollars. Then randomly ask me go play badminton with him la, go swimming la, etc... Brother...brother!.... Another "Brother" of mine is also in JB for work now who is my ah kor!!! If im back by Sunday i can meet up with him! :)
Before i go home...i should have my facial done here first & collect my new mp4. Yeah...finally!The 1 thing i will be most eager to look forward to is going to my hairstylist for help. My hair has natural curl so its hard to keep the shape for long. I really wonder what will he think of to get me a new hairstyle. He's very creative & good so i won't feel worry letting him cut my hair. By far he is my best stylist. Maybe i just want it simple & easy to maintain the shape of my tresses. I guess imma keep them long. Should i?
Haha...its daylight now. It's time to hit the sack. See ya people! :)
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Reach for the stars
However, I am planning to venture into something i really yearn for but before i step out of my comfort zone i shall start working on something. Something that is the ultimate reason for all of my hindrance to Reach for the Stars. . . . .
Right now im in a situation where i can make something happen but i have the choice to make it or avoid it. I'm really curious what if things progress further till there's a chance for me to see something further in life? It's so weird if i really take the chance & flourish it. Gosh...never before i expect that i will be in this picture. If i have made a choice, i might feel that i should let myself see a bigger picture before i evaluate which picture is the best. Some things in life shouldn't be brood over too much so im taking things as they come. :)
I think i should just be myself & let things be. Come what may...we'll see about it.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
random & hyper is my forte
Actually it's because of something.... Ahaha....
Me long time didn't random already. :( Gotta revive back my randomness! =D
The great thing about today is the weather! The humidity has elevate & im so glad about it. The dark clouds surrounded the skies but it did not rain. But it was quite windy by late afternoon & the chilly night is back! I tell uuuu.... the past 3 days was life living in a storeroom. No air ventilation, no wind, only sweat. While bathing also feel hot. Finished bathing then start to sweat. Gosh! . . . . .
1 more paper to go Jia Li! Study kaw kaw & give it my best shot! Yeah~ I live my life by my motto of devoting lotsa effort & time no matter how tough it is for my studies & rewarding myself anything i want after that. I don't give up....Never. Even if i feel that i have no more zest to go on i will do something to revive back my spirits & carry on. Always remember that nothing is too late & always do your best without regrets! That's my way of achieving my goals.
I've been sleeping very "early" till i can catch the earliest Rapid KL bus or witness the sunrise among the mountains. No matter how tough studying is....i enjoy studying! I cherish the time i have studying in uni now coz the time i spend with my friends in uni, hanging out with friends, yumcha & everything i do now is precious & meaningful. I have a great bunch of friends in uni that i call them True Friends! Never leave me in the lurch, always ready to help & are very kind, study hard but party harder, damn FARNEE! & etc. All of them are a bunch of jokers & really siao siao sometimes.
Sometimes when i sit & think for a moment, i am really thankful i have many wonderful friends....not only from uni but also friends from different groups. Yup! Friends are VERY very important to me & each one of them counts...even if you're not good, i will still cherish you. Every friend counts. Good friends give you happiness, laughter, care, help, loyalty, trust. Not so good friends gives you an eye opener about the reality of the world, makes u a more mature person, let you develop attitudes that will help overcome your difficulties & eventually make you a better person if you are the type who will compromise & forgive & forget.
Talking about friends....i am really looking forward to meet 3 dear friends of mine who are coming back from overseas. I am really happy i am gonna meet them again! So much so much things to chat about & catch up about them. Blah blah blah....
Alright...going back to my notes. Way to go Jia Li!!! :) :)
I miss some particular ones so much la... :( but my girlfriends are my PreciouSsSssSsSssssss no matter what! :)