I always meet nice people & now they became my good friends. That's why i love all of my friends so much. It's good to have so many friends & all of them are very important to me.
While working today, the promoters beside my booth suddenly called me to get my attention. I always look very stern towards them but i am myself towards my colleagues. My roadshow is under a reseller which their supervisor & senior staff are very LC! They start work at 10am & they want us to follow their timing to start at 10am as well. This is kinda ridiculous coz they are not our superior. Anyway, we don't wanna make a big fuss about it so we start work at 10am everyday for their shop's roadshow.
So when they called me, i acted like i didn't hear but the guy kept calling me so i looked behind. They asked me to come forward to them & they asked me, "Emmm...Do you have a twin?" I was astonished & i asked them why they think so. They asked me am i twins with Stephanie! Hahaha...I was so surprised coz they have been noticing me since just know when they said they have been analyzing the both of us since morning. I Laugh!
They were surprised to see the same person twice when i was there in a minute & at another spot the next second. I think that this is just so farnee! So far no one said that the both of us look alike but the promoters beside my booth said that we really look alike. Ha-ha...They reckon our laughter & features are quite similar. Steph & me just stood in front of them laughing helplessly. Haha...
The staff from the reseller's shop thinks that i look very fierce. Haha...Yeap...i know that coz i don't smile to them. They have been talking about me why i look so fierce. Then 1 of them suddenly asked me, "Hey, what is your name?" I was stunned coz they also looked very LC so i didn't expect them to talk to me. I don't know what to tell them so i thought for a while & i just asked them why? It turns out that their supervisor was the one who wants to know. Yucksss...That mean looking & always stoning fatty guy. Seriously i only saw him smile twice. He is always stoning there acting like a big boss. He is very LC la. We run their roadshow for them &we are also part of their business partner but they treat us like we owe them something. Wat the Hell?! But now they are much nicer to us. Nowadays they will talk to us and ask us how is everything. Hahaha...Weirdos!
Tomorrow will be the last day of our roadshow for this reseller. I am not sure will i still be in low yat but if i am positioned there then i will be there for 1 more roadshow. I like running a roadshow coz the feeling is different from those hypermarket promotion booth kinda thingy. Hope i will have a great sunday & my day at work will be a good day!
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