Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I feel like blogging now! I guess the mood is starting to fall back in place. It has flown far & long enough to keep my readers in suspense & its also time for me to pen down my thoughts these days.

I'm feeling more exuberant now than before....thanks to somebody. Life is once again merry. :)

Ok ...let me tell you what happen today. I woke up early for my English Lecture class at 8am. I wasn't really listening... can say that what the lecturer taught did not capture my attention. It sounded like an Indian woman mumbling with high & low pitch to her kids. Ahaha...My lecturer is very nice but she can get quite cranky sometimes when things do not go her way. I was busy writing a letter to the Dean of my Faculty.

After the lecturer has finished lecturing today's lesson, she asked us to see her in groups to show her our assignment progress. Ahahaha~ She got so cranky about our format that it made her more & more agitated to scribble our draft! She circled the first few mistakes. Until the last point, she drew so many circles...round & round & round like going around a merry-go-round & at the same time kept yelling at us... Yak yakk yaakkkk~

Typical me...i giggled at her cranky antics. Hihihihihihihihihihhihihihihihih~

After my group was done with her...the bunch of 4 guys from my class came back from the toilet. The lecturer suddenly screamed "EH YOUuuuu...THE FOUR BOYS!".....I SAID CANNOT GO OUT RIGHT?! WHERE DID YOU ALL WENT???" COME HEREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I knew they sure GG this time. Soon Teck the noisiest fella said "We went toilet la"... Then i came up with a great idea! Ngek ngek ngek!

I said out loud to the lecturer "Miss, ask them stand face to face closely looking at the wall. The lecturer said "GOOD IDEA!". My 4 friends then started running away from her like chickens & she shouted "COME HEREEEEEEEEEEEE!" Soon Teck who stood the closest to her was chased by the lecturer & he ran and ran away from her. She kept asking him to face the wall & he also kept explaining to her about the toilet visit. HAHAHA! All of us in the lecture hall laughed & laughed...

I Laughed the Loudest! Puahahahahaha~ ~ ~

So darn farnee man. Those 4 guys are the hardcore jokers of my class & they always dare to voice out, make fun, make noise, disturb people & lecturers anytime...anywhere. They are my great friends in class coz the 5 of us will always have lunch, hang around in uni, sit, laugh & prank around in class together. Though they are very playful but they are smart arses in my class too. Soon Teck's result is always in the Dean List.

The 4 of them are really very good friends to me & also very helpful & understanding whenever they see me doing something or brooding about some thoughts. My study life is full of crazy antics & fun all because of my clique. :)

They are Soon Teck...the smartest & most out spoken guy in class...he is my classmate since Foundation which means we will be graduating together!, Caymond...the funniest joker who always make the class's atmosphere so merry with non-stop laughter, Shi Wei...he is very very nice & helpful who always say Hi! & never leave me in the lurch & finally..... Juen! He is my bestesterestest friend! Words can't express but in short he is one of the greatest friend i have.

Caymond & Shi Wei damn playful lorrr...They always like to take away my things when i am not noticing. There was once one of them don't know who took my purse & handphone away. I put it on the table while we were having tutorial & i went to talk to another classmate. After some time a friend made the sound of the song "Bounce" by Timbaland. Then i thought my phone rang & i got kan cheong..."Where's my phone???"

They are always full of life & can never stay mute. I can never forget them for the precious memories we shared together during our university life. Thanks a lot to them for creating wonderful memories for me to remember forever. :)

Soon Teck in the middle & Caymond on the right. I looked damn fugly

My assignment group last semester with Caymond at far left, Juen, Shi Wei at far right

McD...Centre Point


Apa ni budak?

Whoaaa! Ini barulah POWERrrrr! I love this picture! It's so candid! :)
(Juen is a state swimmer for Ipoh that's why his 'bust' is bigger than other guys...Ahaha)

My Bestesterestest Friend! Chin Chee Juen! WoOhOoOoOOoooooo~ You rock my socks!

In Ipoh...Juen brought me around his hometown & i had a very fun trip...eating & sight seeing :)

Kuai zai!

They made my day a great one...not only today but almost everyday. Great friends like them i will treasure forever. Thanks so much guys! :)

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